Don't know what you did regarding par.settings to not get the desired
result but that is, in fact, the way to go since both the key and the plot
lines will get their colors from that:

xyplot(outcome ~ time, dat.ex, groups=drug, type=c("g", "smooth"),
auto.key = list(space = "top",  text = levels(dat.ex$drug),
points=FALSE, lines=TRUE ),
par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(col = rainbow(3))))

On 7/3/07, Afshartous, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> When specifying colors to xyplot w/ a groups argument, using
> auto.key no longer maintains the colors properly.  I've searched
> the docs and help but haven't found exactly what I need ... I saw
> a few examples in the archives involving par.settings but that doesn't
> seem to do it. I also saw some people using key instead of auto.key, but
> that didn't seem consistent.  Is there a quick fix to the example code
> below?
> cheers,
> Dave
> dat.ex = data.frame(  rep(c(1:6), each=6), c(rnorm(12), rnorm(12, 1),
> rnorm(12, 2)), rep(c(1:6), 6),
> rep(c("Drug1", "Drug2", "Placebo"), each=12) )
> names(dat.ex) = c("", "outcome", "time", "drug")
> ## colors in xyplot agree w/ colors in key, colors not specified:
> xyplot(outcome ~ time, dat.ex, groups=drug, type=c("g", "smooth"),
> auto.key = list(space = "top",  text = levels(dat.ex$drug),
> points=FALSE, lines=TRUE ) )
> ## colors in xyplot do NOT agree w/ colors in key when colors changed:
> xyplot(outcome ~ time, dat.ex, groups=drug, type=c("g", "smooth"),
> auto.key = list(space = "top",  text = levels(dat.ex$drug),
> points=FALSE, lines=TRUE ),
> col = c(1,2,3)  )
> i.e., the key is still generated w/ the "old" colors.
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