I am trying to analyse a mouse dataset with 45000 genes and 24 or 48
timpoints to find cycling genes using GeneCycle. However the function
fisher.g.test never runs. I am pasting the input/output summary below. I
would be grateful if someone could provide any insight.

I 've run GeneCycle successfully in the past on similar data, but I had to
reinstall R and the packages again, so this version may be different from
the previous one. My R version is Release Version 1.20 (4534) - supplied
with R 2.5.1 and GeneCycle was downloaded and applied only 3-4 days ago.

Thanks in advance,

[Workspace restored from /Users/howler/.RData]

> ctraw<-read.csv("ct.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote="\"")
> ct<-t(ctraw)
> ftraw<-read.csv("ft.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote="\"")

> ft<-t(ftraw)
> library(GeneCycle)
Loading required package: longitudinal
Loading required package: corpcor
Loading required package: fdrtool
Loading required package: locfdr
Loading required package: splines
> ctgtest<-fisher.g.test(ctanalysis)
Error in r[i1] - r[-length(r):-(length(r) - lag + 1)] :
    non-numeric argument to binary operator

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