Cody Hamilton wrote:
> Dear Thomas,
> Thank you for your reply.  You are of course quite right - the R Foundation 
> couldn't be responsible for any individually contributed package.
> I am curious as to how an orgainization operating in a regulated environment 
> could safely use a contributed package.  What if the author/maintainer 
> retires or loses interest in maintaining the package?  The organization would 
> then find itself in the awkward position of being reliant on software for 
> which there is no technical support and which may not be compatible with 
> future versions of the base R software.  I suppose the organization could 
> take responsibility for maintaining the individual functions within a package 
> on its own (one option made possible by the open source nature of R), but 
> this would require outstanding programming resources which the company may 
> not have (Thomas Lumleys are sadly rare).  In addition, as the organization 
> is claiming the functions as their own (and not as out-of-the-box software), 
> the level of required validation would be truly extraordinary.  I also wonder 
> if an everyone-maintain-their-own-copy approach could lead to multiple 
> mutated vers
>  ons of a package's functions across the R universe (e.g. Edwards' version of 
> sas.get() vs. Company X's version of sas.get(), etc.).
> Regards,
>    -Cody


I think of this issue as not unlike an organization using its own code 
written by its own analysts or SAS programmers.  Code is reused all the 


> As always, I am speaking for myself and not necessarily for Edwards 
> Lifesciences.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Lumley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2007 8:50 AM
> To: Cody Hamilton
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [R] Regulatory Compliance and Validation Issues
> On Fri, 17 Aug 2007, Cody Hamilton wrote:
> <snip>
>> I have a few specific comments/questions that I would like to present to
>> the R help list.
> <snip>
>> 2. While the document's scope is limited to base R plus recommended
>> packages, I believe most companies will need access to functionalities
>> provided by packages not included in the base or recommended packages.
>> (For example, I don't think I could survive without the sas.get()
>> function from the Design library.)  How can a company address the issues
>> covered in the document for packages outside its scope?  For example,
>> what if a package's author does not maintain historical archive versions
>> of the package?  What if the author no longer maintains the package?
>> Is the solution to add more packages to the recommended list (I'm fairly
>> certain that this would not be a simple process) or is there another
>> solution?
> This will have to be taken up with the package maintainer.  The R
> Foundation doesn't have any definitive knowledge about, eg, Frank
> Harrell's development practices and I don't think the FDA would regard our
> opinions as relevant.
> Archiving, at least, is addressed by CRAN: all the previously released
> versions of packages are available
>> 3. At least at my company, each new version must undergo basically the
>> same IQ/OQ/PQ as the first installation.  As new versions of R seem to
>> come at least once a year, the ongoing validation effort would be
>> painful if the most up-to-date version of R is to be maintained within
>> the company.  Is there any danger it delaying the updates (say updating
>> R within the company every two years or so)?
> It's worse than that: there are typically 4 releases of R per year (the
> document you are commenting on actually gives dates).  The ongoing
> validation effort may indeed be painful, and this was mentioned as an
> issue in the talk by David James & Tony Rossini.
> The question of what is missed by delaying updates can be answered by
> looking at the NEWS file. The question of whether it is dangerous is
> really an internal risk management issue for you.
>         -thomas
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