
Surprisingly, I could not find any function in the spatstat package (or splancs 
package) that
specifically derives cross-correlations between multiple point processes:

> data(lansing)
> plot(split(lansing))  # distribution of occurrence records for five+1 species;
> plot(density(split(lansing)), ribbon = FALSE)
# fit stationary marked Poisson process with different intensity for each 
> lansing.ppm <- ppm(lansing, ~marks, Poisson())
> summary(lansing.ppm)

...but this does not say anything about which species are most correlated (and 
which are negatively
correlated). See also "Mark correlation function" in PART V. MARKED POINT 

Baddeley, A., 2008. Analysing spatial point patterns in R. CSIRO, Canberra, 

I guess that there is no reason NOT to do what you suggest:

> dens.lansing <- density(split(lansing))
> dens.lansing.sp <- as(dens.lansing[[1]], "SpatialGridDataFrame")
> names(dens.lansing.sp)[1] <- names(dens.lansing)[1]
> for(i in 2:length(dens.lansing)) {
  dens.lansing...@data[names(dens.lansing)[i]] <- as(dens.lansing[[i]], 
> spplot(dens.lansing.sp, col.regions=grey(rev(seq(0,1,0.025))))
> round(cor(log1p(dens.lansing...@data[names(dens.lansing)]), 
> use="complete.obs"), 2)
         blackoak hickory maple  misc redoak whiteoak
blackoak     1.00    0.55 -0.73 -0.64  -0.51     0.23
hickory      0.55    1.00 -0.84 -0.63  -0.52    -0.27
maple       -0.73   -0.84  1.00  0.75   0.50    -0.09
misc        -0.64   -0.63  0.75  1.00   0.70     0.09
redoak      -0.51   -0.52  0.50  0.70   1.00     0.25
whiteoak     0.23   -0.27 -0.09  0.09   0.25     1.00

# PCA:
> sp.formula <- as.formula(paste("~", paste("log1p(", names(dens.lansing), ")", 
> collapse="+"),
> PCA.sp <- prcomp(sp.formula, scale=TRUE, dens.lansing...@data)
> biplot(PCA.sp, arrow.len=0.1, xlabs=rep(".", length(PCA.sp$x[,1])), main="PCA 
> biplot",

which clearly shows that the most positively correlated species are "hickory" 
and "blackoak", while
the most 'competing' species are "maple"/"redoak" and "hickory".


T. Hengl 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf
> Of Marcelo Tognelli
> Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 7:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: [R-sig-Geo] Spatial analysis question
> Dear List,
> I have probability maps of the distribution of 4 species of venomous snakes
> (raster files output from species distribution modeling software) and point
> locality data with information on snake bite events (most of them without
> the id of the species involved in the accident). I would like to run an
> analysis to see what species correlates best with snake bite events. My idea
> is to generate a kernel density raster from the point event data and then do
> some kind of spatial correlation against the species distribution maps.
> I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on the type of analysis that I
> can perform with these data and on the software and/or R package to run it.
> Thanks in advance,
> Marcelo
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