Roger Bivand wrote:
On Tue, 10 Nov 2009, ageel bushara wrote:

Dear list members,

I'm doing spatial interpolation of soil moisture using kriging with external drift following the example given by Tom Hengl ( When I used one predictor (in my case gradient or cos_aspect, see below) it works fine for me, but when I used multiple predictors (gradient +cos_aspect), still I'm able to have the the experimental variogram as well as the fitted theoretical variogram, however, I'm not able to have the kriged soil moisture. here is the code

# import and define the input variables

trellis.par.set(sp.theme()) # plots the final predictions using blue-pink-yellow legend

water <- read.csv("water_content.txt") # table with x,y coordinates,and z is? soil moisture
coordinates(water)=~x+y?? # this makes depth a SpatialPointsDataFrame

cos_aspect = read.asciigrid("cos_aspect.asc")? # reads ArcInfo Ascii raster map
spplot(cos_aspect, scales=list(draw=T), sp.layout=list("sp.points", water, pch="+"))
gradient= read.asciigrid("gradient.asc")
spplot(gradient, scales=list(draw=T), sp.layout=list("sp.points", water, pch="+"))

#Plot the xy graph target versus predictor:

cos_aspect.ov = overlay(cos_aspect, water)? # create grid-points overlay
water$cos_aspect.asc = cos_aspect.ov$cos_aspect.asc?

gradient.ov = overlay(gradient, water)
water$gradient.asc= gradient.ov$gradient.asc

lm.depth <- lm(z~ gradient.asc+cos_aspect.asc,


plot(z~ gradient.asc+cos_aspect.asc,
abline(lm(z~ gradient.asc,
abline(lm(z~ cos_aspect.asc,

#Fit the variogram model of the residuals:

null.vgm <- vgm(var(water$z), "Sph", sqrt(areaSpatialGrid(cos_aspect))/4, nugget=0) #initial parameters vgm_depth_r <- fit.variogram(variogram(z~ cos_aspect.asc+ gradient.asc, water), model=null.vgm) plot(variogram(z~ gradient.asc+cos_aspect.asc,water), vgm_depth_r, main="fitted by gstat")
# It works fine till here
# Run uk in gstat:

depth_uk <- krige(z~ cos_aspect.asc+gradient.asc, locations=water, newdata=cos_aspect, model=vgm_depth_r)

the problem it seems mainly in newdata, here is the error given by R:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'gradient.asc' not found. if i assigned the? newdata= gradient then the R error message is :
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'cos_aspect.asc' not found

You probably need to think through what you are doing. You should use a Spatial*DataFrame for newdata that includes "cos_aspect.asc" and "gradient.asc" among the values returned by the names() method. Since each of your two SpatialGridDataFrame objects have single variables, you should review what a SpatialGridDataFrame is - a data.frame with a description of the GridTopology. Assuming that your two objects share their GridTopology values, maybe cbind() them? Then check that the names() output includes the names of variables on the RHS in the formula. Don't think of objects as grids, think of them as data.frames, then you see what is going on.

Try with lm() and predict() first, then with gstat() and predict() - the newdata= argument works in exactly the same way.

Hope this helps,


Hi Ageel,

Roger is right. You should read all rasters to a single (multilayer) grid e.g.:

> grids <- readGDAL("cos_aspect.asc")
> names(grids) <- "cos_aspect.asc"
> grids$gradient.asc <- readGDAL("gradient.asc")$band1

Then overlay, filter the NA's, and then you can fit a variogram and run predictions e.g.:

depth_uk <- krige(z~ cos_aspect.asc+gradient.asc, locations=water, newdata=grids, model=vgm_depth_r)

Here are some more examples:

all the best,

T. Hengl

as I understand that newdata is the grid where it does the interpolations
How can I obtained the kriged soil moisture?, what is wrong here?,

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