
On Oct 26, 2005, at 8:27 AM, Paul Roebuck wrote:

> Suggest adding the following required application key
> in 'Info.plist' immediately prior to CFBundleVersion.

It is already present in the localized Info.plist. I agree that it  
may be unnecessary, as we currently don't localize it, but it is  
easier to maintain the top-level version in one file.

> Format for the following two keys in the 'InfoPlist.strings' does  
> not currently match the suggested format. For 10.4, Apple  
> recommends not adding the version information to  
> CFBundleGetInfoString but since the same build services both  
> Panther and Tiger, this change is not yet feasible.

We may change it when we move our binary target to 10.4 (possibly for  
R 2.3). It is only of cosmetic value and works even with Tiger very  
well, so currently I see no compelling reason to change it.


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