Hi Simon,

I am not sure if you saw the email that I responded to that David
sent.  In that response I used the link he sent me.  In that response
I used the versions listed on the link.

And described exactly what I did that resulted in it freezing up.

I hope this is clear.  If it is not, I am happy to provide whatever
additional information would be useful.  I think the r-team does
amazing work and I would be happy to help in whatever way I can.

In case you missed that email, I have copied it below.

The referenced R installs are from
http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/R/CRAN/bin/macosx/universal/base/ and the two
are R-2.10.0.dmg and R-2.9.2.dmg


Hi David,

I know I was being vague when I posted but I had gotten frustrated
with R and deleted it hours before and I was not sure what the version
was at the time.  But now I am.

Version R-2.10.0 worked on startup and worked when I typed >1:10
however it froze when I typed >f() without f being defined.  There
were other functions that caused it to freeze, but I did not keep
track of all of them.

So I tried R-2.10.0 and it froze again under identical circumstances.

I went to the next oldest version R-2.9.2 and it froze on the last
stage of the installation process.  I forced it to quit and went to
the application folder and so far it is stable.

If it has problems, I will just keep going back to older releases.

Thank you for your help,

On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Simon Urbanek
<simon.urba...@r-project.org> wrote:
> Francis,
> On Dec 5, 2009, at 3:05 PM, Francis Smart wrote:
>> Dear R people,
>> I am running OS 10.5.8 on my PowerBook G4 and unfortunately it will
>> not allow me to upgrade to Snow Leopard, because it does not run an
>> Intel Chip.
> FWIW that makes no difference as we don't build anything specially for Snow 
> Leopard. And, yes, ppc is no longer supported by Apple since 10.6.
>> I have downloaded a version of R and it does not appear to be stable.
> Can you tell us which version, please? I know that you already answered that 
> you're happy with 2.9.2 but unless you tell us there may be more users 
> sharing your frustration ... I don't have any ppc machines anymore so I 
> cannot easily test that ...
>> I have thought about about installing Linux to ensure a stable build
>> but unfortunately I bought the PowerBook G4 used and I did not come
>> with install disks.  The Leopard install disks I do have refuse to run
>> on an non-Intel machine.  So if I installed Linux, that would mean
>> that I would have to uninstall OS X and I probably would not be able
>> to reinstall it.
>> So I guess I am wondering if anybody has a build of R that they know
>> is stable on 10.5.8.  Also, I am sure there are other potential
>> solutions that I have not thought of.
> R is supposed to be stable but there was one big change in the R.app GUI for 
> R 2.10 which may be the culprit (but then there were some GUI mismatch 
> reports in the Tiger build so possibly the Leopard build is fine...). The 
> real question is whether you installed the Tiger or the Leopard build of R 
> (both work on your machine). Once we know we can try to trace that back ...
> Cheers,
> Simon
>> Any recommendations?
>> Thank you for your time,
>> Francis
>> --
>> Francis Smart
>> (202) 540-8108 primary
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Francis Smart
PhD Student - Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics - Michigan
State University
(406) 223-8108

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