Using R version 2.10.1 RC (2009-12-06 r50681) in 64-bit mode ( GUI 1.30 (5528) x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0) on a MacBook Pro 17" unibody early 2009 with 8GB RAM. The following code is causing the error message "*** caught bus error *** address 0x1143d2c7b, cause 'non- existent physical address'"

> library(filehash)
> db <- dbInit("/Volumes/Work on RDR Test Documents/R Databases/ DB_TXT", type = "RDS")
> dbLoad(db)
> sent.all <- unlist(sentences.all)[-index.tokenless.sentences]
> i.samp <- sample(c(1:length(sent.all)), 100)
> sent.all[which(sentences.most.predicted.rf_003_2009.12.07[i.samp] == F)]

sentences.all is a data frame in the filehash database. It is loaded into the environment with the dbLoad statement. More precisely, it is "lazy loaded."

If I first assign which(sentences.most.predicted.rf_003_2009.12.07[i.samp] == F) to, say, iF, then evaluate sent.all[iF], the error does not occur.

I thought I solved this problem the last time it plagued me by downloading the source from CRAN instead of the binary. I did that again before attempting to reproduce the error, but this time it didn't help. I wish I could supply more information, but the error message isn't at all helpful.

I only suspect filehash because (a) it evidently hasn't be updated in a while, and (b) the lazy loading mechanism could be playing a role, even though the statement sent.all <- unlist(sentences.all)[- index.tokenless.sentences] seems to create a copy.

Can anybody suggest how I can at least identify where the error is actually occurring? I am not a programmer, have not debugging tools installed, could probably install one, but would need very detailed instructions about using it.


Richard R. Liu
Dittingerstr. 33
CH-4053 Basel

Tel.:  +41 61 331 10 47
Mobil: +41 79 708 67 66

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