
I'd like to report a bug that has been around for a while (R 2.11.1 GUI 1.34 
Leopard build 64-bit (5589), but this was already in earlier versions). 

When using the "match braces/quotes" feature of the built in editor, it messes 
up the undo function to the point that the code becomes completely garbled when 
undoing and redoing typing. This can be easily replicated by typing for 
instance x(y)) and then cmd-z. When repeating this a few times, the effect 
accumulates and gets worse. I have lost quite some code because of this.

On a related note, it would be nice to have an option of temporarily disabling 
the matching braces function (with a key combination maybe), if one needs to 
type braces around some existing code for instance. This is not part of the 
bug, but it would be a handy feature.

Kind regards,

Claude Flener
Department of Geography
20014 University of Turku


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