Hi Fabio,

I believe the reconstructed condition at the root is given in OUCH's output as Theta zero, in the list of thetas. Be careful with this though, as when selection is strong and you have multiple optima, the reconstructed root node value tends to be very (unrealistcally) small. Butler and King (2004) discuss this a little bit more.

Graham Slater
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of California, Los Angeles
621 Charles E Young Drive South
Los Angeles
CA 90095-1606

(310) 825-4669

On Oct 25, 2009, at 12:30 PM, Fabio de Andrade Machado wrote:

Dear all,

I'm trying to reconstruct the ancestral state of a small set of morphometric traits. My problem is that these variables seams to be strongly influenced by selection, something that would violate the brownian-motion model. I tested various models for character evolution using the 'ouch' package and my best model was fairly complex, with various optima and selection regimes based on the fossil record.

I've read somewhere that the hansen( ) function reconstruct the root's state (which is my main interest) but I could not find the output for it. My questions are:

- is there an output for the ancestral state for the root for a given fitted model with 'ouch'? - if not, is there an output for the phylogenetic var/covar matrix for a given model, so that I can reconstruct the ancestral trait with least-squares?

I would really appreciate any help.


Fabio de Andrade Machado
Laboratorio de Herpetologia/Morfometria
Museu de Zoologia da USP
Av. Nazaré, 481, Ipiranga
São Paulo, SP, 04263-000
+55 11 61658120

+55 11 82631029

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