Dear users,

I am currently doing a model of community assembly, and I would like to
integrate phylogenetic information. For each organism, I know its ancestor
and the time at which speciation occured. These informations are stored in
a data.frame, an example of which is here :

> PhyloTree
        Anc   OffSpr TimeApp
1       Anc 00000000       1
2  00000000 10000000      28
3  00000000 00000001      84
4  00000000 00000010     101
5  10000000 10100000     106
6  00000000 00100000     139
7  00000000 01000000     160
8  00000001 10000001     161
9  10000000 11000000     168
10 00100000 00110000     177
11 10000001 10010001     186
12 00000010 00000110     197

Do you have any idea about how I can proceed to transform this object into
a tree object, such as the one used by APE?



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