Hello all,
I'm currently trying to measure a parameter over a large number of
large trees (>1700 tips), and part of this calculation requires
knowing the tip taxa descended from each node (I must compare the
difference in tip values among taxa descended from a node). Because I
must do this many times,  I decided to compare the efficiency of
several methods for doing this in various R libraries with
system.time() (as Liam did recently with some BM simulation functions
in some recent blog posts). As I feel that others may benefit from
this comparison of methods, I am posting the results to this list.

Geiger's node.leaves() is much faster than the alternatives, although
at ~13s a run, it is still not a particularly speedy process. I didn't
need the actual tip.labels, so I took node.leaves() and made it as
lean as possible, to produce node.tips(), below. That cut the run time
down to ~9 sec.

node.tips<-function (phy, node){
        n <- length(phy$tip.label)
        if (node <= n){node}else{
                l<- numeric()
                d<- phy$edge[which(phy$edge[,1]==node),2]
                for(j in d){if(j <= n){l <- c(l, j)}else{l<-c(l, 

If anyone knows of another alternative that might be faster, I would
greatly appreciate any suggestions.
-Dave Bapst, UChicago Geosci

Using the modified node.leaves() function from geiger, node.tips()

> system.time(desc<-sapply(edge_end,function(x) node.tips(res_tree,x)))
   user  system elapsed
   9.39    0.00    9.44

Using node.leaves() in geiger

> system.time(desc<-sapply(edge_end,function(x) node.leaves(res_tree,x)))
   user  system elapsed
  13.29    0.02   13.34

Using Descendants() in phangorn

> system.time(desc<-sapply(edge_end,function(x) Descendants(res_tree,x)))
   user  system elapsed
  75.60    0.10   76.83

Using listTips() in adephylo

> system.time(desc_list<-c(as.list(1:Ntip(res_tree)),listTips(res_tree)))
   user  system elapsed
  75.27    2.93   87.28

Using descendants() in phylobase

> system.time(desc<-sapply(edge_end,function(x) 
> descendants(res_tree4,x,type="tips")))
   user  system elapsed
 149.56    0.67  155.15

Using nodeDecendants() in maticce  (note that translating the tree
into ouchtree format was prohibitively very lengthy)

> system.time(res_tree_ou<-ape2ouch(res_tree))
   user  system elapsed
  84.01    0.13   85.34
> system.time(desc<-sapply(edge_end,function(x) nodeDescendents(res_tree_ou,x)))
   user  system elapsed
  65.91    0.23   68.47

David Bapst
Dept of Geophysical Sciences
University of Chicago
5734 S. Ellis
Chicago, IL 60637

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