This is a repost of an earlier question, after my colleague helped me with
my English:

To calculate signal in PGLS multiple regression (with say two independent
variables) I can use the following model:

lambdaModel <- gls(Y ~ X + bodymass, correlation=corPagel(1, tree),

This will take account of body mass when assessing the strength of
relationship between Y and X. This calculates lambda for the residuals and
is better than calculating lambda for each trait (according to Revell,
2010). My question is, If I only want to find phylogenetic signal in one
(unscaled) variable, should I use the model:

lambdaModel <- gls(Y ~ bodymass, correlation=corPagel(1, tree), method="ML")

Will this give the lambda value for Y after controlling for body mass? Or,
would it be better to 'correct' for body mass first, using a ratio (Y /
body mass), and then calculate lambda for this scaled trait, using for

lambdaModel <- fitContinuous(tree, scaled_Y, model="lambda")

kind regards,


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