Hi Nick.

For your first (simple) problem, I believe you want to do:

> read.csv(file="Mason_data.csv",row.names=1)->smdata

Regarding the more complicated issue, the problem of non-independence in linear regression comes in the residual error of the model. Thus, you should fit a correlation structure for the error in Y given X (not for X & Y separately as you have done with PICs here). This indeed can be done using gls() - so, for instance:

pglsModel1a<-gls(Pause_Rate~Comp.1, correlation=corMartins(1, spbm),data=smdata)

fits a linear model in which the residual error of Pause_Rate given Comp.1 is distributed according to the correlation structure corMartins() with alpha estimated using REML.

The way to reproduce this result using contrasts is the following:

> alpha<-attr(pglsModel1a$apVar,"Pars")["corStruct"] # get fitted alpha
> smdata<-as.matrix(smdata) # important
> pr_contrast<-pic(smdata[,1],ouTree(spbm,alpha=alpha))
> pc1_contrast<-pic(smdata[,2],ouTree(spbm,alpha=alpha))
> summary(lm(pr_contrast~pc1_contrast-1))

Which if you compare to:

> summary(pglsModel1a)

you should find yields the same results and P-value. (Note that smdata<-as.matrix(smdata) seems to be important here as if smdata is a data frame, then smdata[,1] does not inherit the rownames of smdata and pic() will return an incorrect set of contrasts.)

I hope this helps. No doubt other subscribers to the list may have something to add.

Best, Liam

Liam J. Revell
University of Massachusetts Boston
web: http://faculty.umb.edu/liam.revell/
email: liam.rev...@umb.edu
blog: http://phytools.blogspot.com

On 7/13/2011 11:07 PM, Nicholas Mason wrote:
Dear R-sig-phylo users,
I have a question regarding comparative analyses of contrasts done with
the functions fitContinuous() and pic() compared to using PGLS (using
the gls() function).

 From my understanding the first method involving pic() below fits alpha
(estimated using fitContinuous()) to each character independently then
performs a regression on the resulting contrasts.

The second (PGLS) method involving gls() fits both the regression and
contrasts simultaneously and reports a single alpha value for the
relationship between two traits.

These two methods appear very similar, yet I get slightly different
results between the two functions, particularly with respect to
p-values. Using fitContinuous(), the results from the data set attached
are r2 = 0.075 p = 0.091. Using gls(): r2 = 0.079 p =0.0519.
Furthermore, if I switch the dependent and independent variables (V1~V2
vs V2~V1), I get the same answer with pic(), but gls() differs: r2 =
-0.069 p =0.02 (see pglsModel1a vs pglsModel1b in the attachment).

Could anyone explain why these functions vary (in my mind they were
doing essentially the same thing) and if there are situations where one
should be favored over another? Also, why does PGLS vary if you switch
the dependent/independent variables in the linear model?

Thanks in advance for any advice or comments offered!!

Nick Mason

Below I have the code I have been using (also attached as Mason.R):

smdata[,1]<-NULL#ASIDE: If anyone could tell me how to get around these
two lines of code, that would also be awesome. Header=T doesn't seem to
work for me.




pglsModel1a<-gls(Pause_Rate~Comp.1, correlation=corMartins(1,

pglsModel1b<-gls(Comp.1~Pause_Rate, correlation=corMartins(1,

Nicholas Albert Mason
MS Candidate, Burns Lab
Department of Biology - EB Program
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-4614
845-240-0649 (cell)

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