Dear All

Sorry to mass email with what could be a very basic question.  I am trying to 
generate a tree for 1000 plus species.  To reduce the search effort I first 
generated a tree to genus level from NCBI Itol with the intention of adding 
species branches to each genus after.  Doing this manually has invariably 
proved challenging as it's difficult to locate and solve all the sources of 
human error that creep in when manual editing.  Is there a function in R that 
can do this?  Say something that matches the genus in the species name to the 
genus tip on the tree, and adds branches accordingly? It is not my intention 
that the tree be based on divergence times, this isn't feasible given the 
number and order of species I am working with, hence the reason for using the 
NCBI taxonomy.

Any help is much appreciated


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