Hi Sereina,

You should not get that error message when you do not specify a prior - but if you do can you let me know.

For the prior you specified you get the error message because us(trait):units is specifying a 3x3 covariance matrix, and yet your prior, R=list(V=1,nu=0.002), is specifying a 1x1 matrix. V should be a 3x3 matrix, but note that the residual covariance matrix with categorical data cannot be estimated from the data. For this reason most people would not fit a weak prior (i.e. nu=0.002) but fit a very strong prior (fixing it at some value a priori using fix=1 in the prior specification). The choice of residual covariance matrix is arbitrary - the results can always be expressed in a way that do not depend on the choice of residual covariance matrix (See the CourseNotes).

The fixed and random effect formulae are also a bit odd. This type of model is essentially equivalent to a trivariate model where the three traits (on the latent scale) are the differences on a log scale between the probability of being in categories 2,3 or 4 compared to category 1:


where nominal[1] is called the baseline category. You can change the baseline category by reordering the factor levels in nominal.

By having ~animal in the random formula you are assuming that a) the phylogenetic variance for each contrast is equal and b) that the correlation between the phylogenetic effects is one. This may make sense in some models and with some types of base-line category, but not generally I think. us(trait):animal allows the phylogenetic variances to differ over the traits and for each pair of traits to have a unique phylogenetic correlation. There are also other variance structures that can be fitted that are somewhere between these two extremes.

For the same reason you probably want to have trait specific intercepts and trait specific regression coefficients for the covariates. This can be achieved by having:

~ trait-1+trait:lnBrain + trait:binary.x

I remove the global intercept (-1) because I find the model output easier to interpret, but it is not necessary.

You need to be careful with this type of model on these type of data, because generally there is not much information from data on extant taxa about the parameters of comparative analyses, particularly when the data are categorical. This means that priors, even ones that appear innocuous such as flat priors, may have a substantial influence on the posterior. In addition, numerical problems may exist in categorical models when the posterior distribution for the phylogenetic intra-class correlations has support in regions close to one (either because the true value is close to one, or because the posterior distribution is very wide because the data are not very informative). This can be checked by saving the latent variables (pL=TRUE in the call to MCMCglmm) and making sure that the absolute values of the latent variables do not regularly exceed 20. Lastly, mixing may be (very) poor so you may have to wait an inordinate amount of time to completely sample the posterior.



Doing this is fine: you can always rescale the model parameters post analysis

Quoting Sereina Graber <sereina.gra...@gmx.ch> on Fri, 2 Aug 2013 10:17:58 +0200 (CEST):

Hi all,

I am doing a phylogenetic analysis using the MCMCglmm package with the
phylogenetic tree as the pedigree (Hadfield & Nakagawa 2010). I have a
categorical response variable ("nominal") with more than 2 categories
(4 categories in total) and a continuous and a binary explanatory
variable. My model:

mod<-MCMCglmm(nominal ~ lnBrain + binary.x, random= ~animal,
family="categorical",rcov=~us(trait):units, prior=prior4,
data=bird.data, pedigree=bird.tree)

Now there is always the following error message appearing if I do not
specify any priors, thus, using the default:

 Error in priorformat(if (NOpriorG) { :
  V is the wrong dimension for some prior$G/prior$R elements

However, I then tried different priors which didn`t work, because I
would have the wrong dimensions in the prior...can any one help me
with how I have to specifiy the priors correctly, what dimensions do I
need? My priors:

var2<-cbind(c(1e+08,0.1,0.1), c(0.1,1e+08,0.1),c(0.1,0.1,1e+08))
prior4<-list(R=list(V=1,nu=0.002), G=list(G1=list(V=1,
nu=0.002)),B=list(mu=rep(0,3), V=var2))

These priors lead to the error:

Error in priorformat(if (NOpriorG) { :
  V is the wrong dimension for some prior$G/prior$R elements

For any help I am very grateful.


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