Sorry, forgot the most important part of R version
[1] "R version 2.15.3 (2013-03-01)"
On Aug 19, 2013, at 10:12 PM, "Liam J. Revell" <>

> Hi Kamila.
> 1) A tree stored in memory as an object of class "phylo" can have a root edge 
> - but no root label. One option (if your tree has edge lengths) that 
> approximates what it sounds like you want to do is to re-root the tree 0 
> distance below the tip that is your root. You can do this using the function 
> reroot (which uses root internally) from the phytools package. E.g., to 
> re-root the (random, in this case) tree 'tree' at the tip "t10":
> library(phytools)
> tree<-rtree(n=10) ## just for demonstration
> nn<-which(tree$tip.label=="t10") ## get node number of tip
> tt<-reroot(tree,nn,tree$edge.length[which(tree$edge[,2]==nn)])
> plotTree(tt)
> 2) To better help you with this, can you give us a reproducible error? (E.g., 
> your tree, the code that produces the error, your version of R and ape.)
> All the best, Liam
> Liam J. Revell, Assistant Professor of Biology
> University of Massachusetts Boston
> web:
> email:
> blog:
> On 8/19/2013 9:51 PM, Naxerova, Kamila wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> I have just started playing around with ape, and I have some naive newbie 
>> questions.  Any help would be very much appreciated.
>> 1) In my data set, the root is extant. Is there a way to directly designate 
>> one of the taxa as the root?
>> 2) When I use the rotate function on what I think is a fairly small and 
>> simple tree, R always freezes and I have to kill it and start over. Any 
>> ideas what I might be doing wrong?
>> Many thanks in advance.
>> Kamila
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