Hi Oscar.

I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish. By fitting gls(y~Tree,correlation=Tree) you have the phylogeny in both the mean structure & the error structure of your fitted model. This does not seem like a good idea.

If you just want to measure the degree to which your data are phylogenetically structured (i.e., the "effect" of phylogeny on your trait - although this is probably not a good way of describing it because your phylogeny cannot affect the trait, although history may influence how variation is structured among your tip species), you should probably just measure phylogenetic signal using one or multiple methods. For instance, you could use my function phylosig in the phytools package.

All the best, Liam

Liam J. Revell, Assistant Professor of Biology
University of Massachusetts Boston
web: http://faculty.umb.edu/liam.revell/
email: liam.rev...@umb.edu
blog: http://blog.phytools.org

On 9/6/2013 1:22 PM, Oscar Valverde wrote:
Hi everyone,

I have been trying to analyze the effect of phylogeny on trait integration
among plant tissues. Initially I tried a non-phylogenetic approach using
species nested within clades as error term


then, I tried to remove the phylogenetic value using the residuals after
running a model with the samples fixed by clade in a pgls model and making
a new dataset



then  I run a new model and tried to compare the AIC for the same model
with the corrected matrix


The AIC of both models however are identical and but none of the factors
are significant anymore!. What I'm doing is wrong? Any suggestions of an
alternative approach to test the integration of tissues including the
phylogenetic relatedness among species?

I'll appreciate any comments, best regards

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