Hi Liam

Thanks for your reply. I've installed phytools 0.4-23 to be on the safe
side, even though the 2 traits I'm working on are binary.
error message
I quoted in my last questions
- even though my character has only 2 states.

However, using
Q="mcmc" in combination with model=matrix(c(0,0,1,0), 2) still doesn't
work. While it doesn't generate errors, the Q matrices that are sampled are

Specifically -
mtrees<-make.simmap(tree,mtree$states,nsim=10, model=matrix(c(0,0,1,0),2),
make.simmap is sampling character histories conditioned on the transition
Q =
           a         b
a -0.2978594 0.2978594
b  0.0000000 0.0000000
(estimated using likelihood);
and (mean) root node prior probabilities
pi =
[1] 1 0

mtrees<-make.simmap(tree,mtree$states,nsim=10,  Q="mcmc",
model=matrix(c(0,0,1,0),2), pi=c(1,0))
Running MCMC burn-in. Please wait....
Running 1000 generations of MCMC, sampling every 100 generations. Please
make.simmap is simulating with a sample of Q from the posterior distribution
Mean Q from the posterior is
Q =
           a          b
a -0.3058095  0.3058095
b  0.3058095 -0.3058095
and (mean) root node prior probabilities
pi =
[1] 1 0

The two commands are the same except for the use of Q="mcmc".

We would like to sample Q matrices from the posterior distribution under
the constraint
of non-reversibility.
​ Any advice would be highly appreciated.

Thanks for your help,


On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 10:07 PM, Liam J. Revell <liam.rev...@umb.edu> wrote:
> Hi Naama.
> I can answer the three questions that pertain to phytools:
> (1) The function make.simmap has a bug for non-reversible models when
> the input character has more than 2 states. This has to do with the
> algorithm for simulating changes along edges where the correct waiting
> time is simulated, but then the states at the end of the waiting time
> are chosen with the incorrect probabilities. This will sometimes cause
> make.simmap to hang for a long time. This does not affect the states
> simulated at nodes (which occurs first) and should not affect stochastic
> character mapping at all for binary characters or any reversible model of
character evolution. I have posted a fixed version here:
> http://www.phytools.org/make.simmap/v1.9/make.simmap.R - but you can
> also install a version of phytools containing this update here:
> http://www.phytools.org/nonstatic/. Use phytools >= 0.4-22
> (2) You should look into the function describe.simmap to summarize the
> time spent in each state, etc., from stochastic character mapping using
> make.simmap.
> (3) To simulate stochastic character histories you can use the phytools
> function sim.history. Note, though, that the matrix Q is the *transpose*
> of the fitted value of Q from make.simmap. Sorry about this. That means
> to simulate stochastic character histories on your tree you can do:
> ## stochastic mapping:
> mtrees<-make.simmap(tree,x,model="ARD",nsim=100)
> ## summarize results
> obj<-describe.simmap(mtrees)
> obj
> plot(obj) ## PP at nodes from stochastic mapping
> fitted.Q<-mtrees[[1]]$Q
> ## simulate under fitted model
> The last part (anc=rstate(obj$ace[1,])) is necessary if you have
non-reversibility, because this way you are picking from the posterior
distribution at the root from your real data.
> In addition, sim.history does not permit any columns (rows in the matrix
from make.simmap) to be equal to 0.0 (which we will have if we have a truly
non-reversible character). To resolve this, you can do something like:
> ii<-which(diag(fitted.Q)==0)
> fitted.Q[ii,-ii]<-max(nodeHeights(tree))*1e-12
> fitted.Q[ii,ii]<--sum(fitted.Q[ii,])
> Hope this is helpful.
> All the best, Liam
> Liam J. Revell, Assistant Professor of Biology
> University of Massachusetts Boston
> web: http://faculty.umb.edu/liam.revell/
> email: liam.rev...@umb.edu
> blog: http://blog.phytools.org
> On 7/1/2014 7:54 AM, Naama Kopelman wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to examine a correlation between two discrete traits,
>> using stochastic mapping.
>> I tried two options and ran into problems with both:
>> 1. Using stochastic mapping of Phytools –
>> make.simmap - The problem is that I need to use constraints - for
>> one character
>> I need to set the state of the root to 0 (I figured how to do that),
>> while for the second
>> character I need to set the reverse rate to 0. Couldn’t figure out
>> this second constraints.
>> Tried this
>> mtrees<-make.simmap(tree,mtree$states,nsim=10,
>> model=matrix(c(0,1,0,0),2))
>> But model=matrix(c(0,1,0,0)) leads to the following error:
>> BLAS/LAPACK routine 'DGEBAL' gave error code -3
>> In addition: Warning message:
>> In matrix(XX$rates[II], m, m, dimnames = list(lvls, lvls)) :
>> data length [3] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of
>> rows [2]
>> The same command works if I use , model=matrix(c(0,1,0,0),2))
>> In addition, I wonder if anyone has examined the distribution of two
>> characters - i.e. how can I calculate the percentage of time spent in
>> (0,0), (0,1), etc. for the
>> classes generated by phytools.
>> 2. Using Diversitree -
>> I used asr.stoch with a likelihood function and parameters. I managed
>> to make constraints in the
>> two needed ways (i.e. on the root, and on the rates)
>> pars <- c(.1, .1, .03, .03, .03, .06)
>> set.seed(1)
>> phy <- trees(pars, "bisse", max.taxa=4, max.t=Inf, x0=0)[[1]]
>> h <- history.from.sim.discrete(phy, 0:1)
>> plot(h, phy, main="True history")
>> lik <- make.mk2(phy, phy$tip.state)
>> #lik<-constrain(q13~q12,q21~q12,q23~q12,q31~q12,q32~q12)
>> argnames(lik)
>> lik2<-constrain(lik, q10~0)
>> argnames(lik2)
>> fit = find.mle(lik2,c(.1))
>> st.s1 <- asr.stoch(lik2, fit$par)
>> plot(st.s1, phy)
>> st.s2 <- asr.stoch(lik2, fit$par)
>> What I do not understand is how to simulate stochastic mappings on my
>> trees randomly – I want to
>> use the same rate parameters, but with no constraints on the tips.
>> These simulations will help me
>> Determine whether the statistic I am examining is significantly large
>> for my data.
>> In addition, I wonder if anyone has examined the distribution of two
>> characters -
>> i.e. how can I calculate the percentage of time spent in (0,0),
>> (0,1), etc. for the
>> classes generated by Diversitree.
>> Thanks a lot for your help!
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