Hi Sereina,

The two models are not equivalent. The first one is fitting only an
interaction effect while the second one fits the main effects plus the
interaction term. Something like this:

Model 1 y~x1:x2

Model 2 y~x1+x2+x1:x2

As far as I know in general only model 2 makes sense and I would not try to
fit model 1, but there may be circumstances in which model 1 would make
sense. Hard to say without knowing the question and data.


On Friday, 18 July 2014, Sereina Graber <sereina.gra...@gmx.ch> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have question concerning the interaction effects in PGLS. Using several
> different data sets and questions, I have tried to inlcude interaction
> effects in pgls regression models for several times now, however,  I have
> never had a significant interaction effect, even though it is pretty clear
> that is should be significant. But, if I include the product of two
> variables as a new variable into the pgls model, this shows a strong effect
> (code see below).
> Does anyone has an idea what might be the problem here? And would it be ok
> to simply include the product of the two predictor variables as a new
> variable into an analysis instead of actually implementing the interaction
> ?
> Product of two predictors as a new variable:
> X_prod<-X1 * X2
> model1<-pgls(Y ~ X_prod, comp_data)
> ...instead of :
> model1<-pgls(Y ~ X1 * X2, comp_data)
> Thank you & best,
> Sereina

Kaspar Delhey

ARC DECRA research fellow
School of Biological Sciences, Monash University
3800, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
phone: +61-(0)3-9902 0377
skype: kaspar.delhey
web: https://sites.google.com/site/kaspardelhey/

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