Hi, Daniel

lamda and H^2 are equivalent as we say in Hadfield and Nakagawa (2010) or said 
also in Housworth et al (2004)

Housworth E, Martins E, Lynch M (2004) The phylogenetic mixed model. Am Nat 

lamda = var(phylo)/(var(phylo)+var(residuals))

A mathematical proof of this is in Hansen and Orzack 2005

Hansen TF, Orzack SH (2005) Assessing current adaptation and phylogenetic 
inertia as explanations of trait evolution: the need for controlled 
comparisons. Evolution 59(10):2063–2072

More general verison of H^2 or lamda is

lamda = var(phylo)/(var(phylo)+var(all other random effects + residuals)) 
(probably not including measurment errors)

Best wishes,


On 24/07/2014, at 10:51 am, Daniel Fulop 
<dfulop....@gmail.com<mailto:dfulop....@gmail.com>> wrote:

Dear R-sig-phylo list,

I'm following up on a, seemingly unaddressed question from August 2013 about 
whether or not MCMCglmm co-estimates Pagel's lambda within a phylogenetic 
regression.  Seraina's original message is copied at bottom.

>From what I can tell MCMCglmm doesn't co-estimate lambda, but perhaps I'm 
>missing something.  If it does, then I would like to know how to specify that 
>lambda be co-estimated.

I have a complicated model with random effects apart from accounting for 
phylogeny that is unable to be fit by lme(); I get an optimization error when 
trying to include corPagel(fixed=FALSE) within the lme() call, whether I 
specify the non-phylogenetic random effects by formula or with pdMat 

I'm analyzing plant growth of 10 species in 2 temperatures (control and cold) 
over a timeline, where I have several plants per species and daily measurements 
over 12 days; my model is (following lme4 formula syntax):

plant_height ~ day * temp * species + (day | ID)

My goal is to estimate/predict a growth rate for each species (while accounting 
for daily variation/noise in growth rate at the individual plant level => hence 
the day | ID random effect term) to then compare the growth rates in cold 
versus control temperatures for each species  ...to then assess which species 
seems most cold tolerant as measured by growth rate difference (cold - control) 
and relative growth rate (cold / control).

As an aside, I've fit the model without random effects but with 
corPagel(fixed=FALSE)in gls() and lambda is estimated as equal to zero or 
effectively so, depending on whether the starting value is 0 or not.  Likewise, 
I've fit the full mixed model without the phylogeny with lme() and lmer() and 
then analyzed the phylogenetic signal of the residuals with phylosig() in 
phytools and again lambda is estimated as equal to 0.  So, perhaps I shouldn't 
worry about fitting a phylogenetic regression in this particular case.

However, I have similar data from this and other experiments and so it would be 
ideal to find a robust way of running a phylogenetic mixed model regression 
with co-estimation of lambda, i.e. a way that doesn't lead to an optimization 
error.  Perhaps MCMCglmm offers that?

Thanks in advance for any input you could provide as to MCMCglmm and 
phylogenetic signal!

Daniel Fulop, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Scholar
Dept. Plant Biology, UC Davis
Maloof Lab, Rm. 2220
Life Sciences Addition, One Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616

Original message from Seraina Graber:

Dear MCMCglmm users,
I am running a simple model corrrecting for phylogenetic relationships using 
MCMCglmm. Now I am interested in the phylogenetic signal, the analogue to 
Pagels lambda.
Now I have two questions:
1.) According to Hadfield and Nakagawa (2010) the analogue to lambda (Pagel) in 
the mixed model approach is var(phylo)/var(phylo)+var(residuals), however, in 
another conversation about pyhlogenetic signal in MCMCglmm I found that 
actually var(phylo)/var(phylo)+var(residuals)+var(random effects) is the right 
measurement for the phylogenetic signal. But isnt the var(phylo) and var(random 
effects) basically the same, cos actually the pyhlogeny is the random effect in 
such a model? so for me rather var(phylo)/var(phylo) + var(residuals) makes 
more sense.
My model:
MCMCglmm(Y ~ X random=~animal, data="" pedigree=phylotree, pr=F, saveX=F, 
pl=T), X and Y are two continuous variables.
2.) Comparing to the PGLS function in caper, there the variance-covariance 
matrix is adjusted for the strength of the phylogenetic signal (estimated 
lambda scales the off-diagonals of the phylogenetic vcv matrix). Is that 
somehow done in the MCMCglmm approach? if yes, how?
For any help I am very grateful.

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Shinichi Nakagawa, PhD
(Associate Professor of Behavioural Ecology)
Department of Zoology
University of Otago
340 Great King Street
P. O. Box 56
Dunedin, New Zealand
Tel:  +64-3-479-5046
Fax: +64-3-479-7584

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