Hi Grace,

Sorry for not responding earlier. The prior for the fixed effects looks OK - it can be useful to use such priors in the case of complete separation.

Without seeing the data it is hard to diagnose why the mixing is poor. My guess is that a phylogenetic heritability (signal) close to one has high support, which slows the mixing of the chain down. Is this the case, what does

m1$VCV[, 1] / (rowSums(m1$VCV) + pi^2/3)

look like?

The parameter expanded prior although reasonably flat for heritabilities in the range 0.05-0.98 has spikes close to 0 and 1. If the data give support in these regions (either because the true value is close to one of these extremes, or because there is not much information so the likelihood surface is flat) then the posterior can get dragged up into them.

Two possible options are a) to switch to a chi-square prior:

G=list(V=1, nu=1000, alpha.mu=0, alpha.V=1)

Pierre de Villemereuil demonstrates that this can have better properties with a probit link model (he uses family="ordinal")


With family="ordinal" the heritability is calculated as m1$VCV[, 1] / (rowSums(m1$VCV) + 1). However, I would switch to family="threshold" which is standard probit regression and the heritability is simply m1$VCV[, 1] / rowSums(m1$VCV). Mixing is generally better in the latter.

Option b) is to assume the heritability is one (rather than estimate it). This can be done using MCMCglmmRAM, and example code can be found here.


Note that this is an alternative algorithm for Felsenstein's threshold model (which is a probit glmm with h2 fixed at one) and so could be fitted using other software.



On 10/02/2016 18:33, Jörg Albrecht wrote:
Dear Grace,

the problem may derive from your specification of the priors. Usually you don’t 
specify the prior for B in MCMCglmm. The problem may also be related to the 
size of your dataset. Estimation of effects can be difficult with binary data, 
when the dataset is small. Below is a small example from Jarrod Hadfield for 
binary regression that accounts for phylogeny.

tree <- rcoal(200)
x <- rnorm(200)
l <- rbv(tree, 1, nodes="TIPS") + x + rnorm(200)
y <- rbinom(200, 1, plogis(l))
dat <- data.frame(y = y, x = x, species = tree$tip.label)
prior1 <- list(R = list(V = 1, fix = 1),
                G = list(G1 = list(V = 1, nu = 1, alpha.mu = 0, alpha.V = 
# residual variance fixed at 1.
Ainv <- inverseA(tree)$Ainv
m1 <- MCMCglmm(y ~ x, random = ~ species,
                ginverse = list(species = Ainv),
                family = "categorical",
                prior = prior1, data = dat)
# fixed effects should be around zero and one (+/- monte carlo error)
# phylogenetic ICC should be 1/(2 + pi^2/3) = 0.189 (+/- monte carlo error)
summary(m1$VCV[, 1] / (rowSums(m1$VCV) + pi^2/3))

Hope this helps,


Jörg Albrecht, PhD
Postdoctoral researcher
Institute of Nature Conservation
Polish Academy of Sciences
Mickiewicza 33
31-120 Krakow, Poland
www.carpathianbear.pl <http://www.carpathianbear.pl/>
www.globeproject.pl <http://www.globeproject.pl/>
www.iop.krakow.pl <http://www.iop.krakow.pl/>
Am 10.02.2016 um 00:55 schrieb Grace Pold <grace.p...@gmail.com>:


I have characterized a few hundred bacteria from two environments and want to know if the bacteria 
from one environment is more likely to show a trait than the bacteria isolated from the other 
environment. So my data is binary in both the independent and in the dependent variable: 
"environment 1?" yes/no, and "degrades carbon source?" yes/no. If I wasn’t 
accounting for phylogeny, I think I would use a Chi-Squared test. But I would like to account for 
phylogeny in my analysis, since some of the bacteria form clusters on my phylogenetic tree with 
members only from one environment.

I thought maybe I could use MCMCglmm to test this, and have been following the 
examples previously posted on r-sig-phylo and in the MCMCglmm course notes. 
However, my model either fails to converge even after millions of iterations, 
or the autocorrelation plot shows strong positive correlations at a range of 
lags. So I think either I cannot use MCMCglmm for this, or I am specifying my 
model wrong. Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Here is my model:

prior.m2c.5 = list(B = list(mu = c(0, 0), V = diag(2) *(1 + pi^2/3)), R = 
list(V = 1, fix = 1), G = list(G1 = list(V = 1, nu = 1, alpha.mu = 0, alpha.V = 

simplemcmcCMCv2_5<-MCMCglmm(carbon01~environment01, random=~animal, pedigree=ctree, 
data=wcboth, family="categorical”, nitt=10000000, burnin=100000,thin=2000, 

Thank you in advance for any help,

Grace Pold

Graduate Program in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
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