Dear guys,

my name is Rodrigo, I am a PhD student from São Paulo State University,
Brazil. I am finishing my thesis but have some doubts about how to analyze
my data, so I decided contact you.

Here I am working on comparative physiology of ectothermic
vertebrates. In summary,
I work with 4 pitvipers species (*Bothrops* and *Crotalus* genus) in which
I measured: Metabolism, water loss by evaporation, and thermal preference
and tolerance. Now I would like to compare these results among species.
However, as I said, I have only four species to compare. From what I
understand when looking at mailing linst archives, this number of taxa are
not enough to test the effects of phylogeny on my results, and I must use
conventional analyzes. Is that right? If so, please, could you send me some
papers dealing with this?

Many thanks, guys. Cheers,

MSc. Rodrigo Samuel Bueno Gavira
Biologist - PhD student in Zoology
Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP
Department of Zoology
Rio Claro - SP - BRAZIL

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