Dear Rrs users,

This course might be of interest for some people in this list: PHYLOGENETIC
ANALYSIS USING R - 4th edition, March 6th-10th, 2017.

INSTRUCTORS: Dr. Emmanuel Paradis (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement,
France) and Dr. Klaus Schliep (University of Massachusetts, USA).


This course is for biologists dealing with the analysis of multiple molecular
sequences at several levels: Populations, species, clades, communities. These
biologists address questions relative to the evolutionary relationships among
these sequences, as well as the evolutionary forces structuring biodiversity at
different scales. The objectives are: (i) to learn the theorical bases
phylogenetic analysis, (ii) to know how to choose a strategy of molecular data
analysis at the inter‐ or intraspecific levels, (iii) to be able to initiate a
phylogenetic analysis starting from the files of molecular sequences until the
interpretation of the results and the graphics. The software used for this
course will be center on the R language for statistics. This will include the
use of specialized packages particularly ape, phangorn, and adegenet.

Requeriments: Knowledge of multivariate statistics, phylogenetics and molecular
evolution. User level of R.

PLACE:  Facilities of the Centre of Restauració i Interpretació Paleontologica,
Els Hostalets de Pierola,  Barcelona (Spain).

Organized by: Transmitting Science, the Institut Catalá de Paleontologia M.
Crusafont and the Centre de Restauració i Interpretació Paleontologica de Els
Hostalets de Pierola.

Places are limited and will be covered by strict registration order.

With best regards


Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno, PhD.
Scientific Director
Transmitting Science

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