Hi Carla,

I use this function of ips:

value = "node.label", cutoff)

It took me a while to figure out that there is a 
trick to do with multiPhylo - here is the code I 
use for files with multiple trees (in this case 
to produce sets of collapsed trees with 
thresholds from 10 to 10). I hope it helps!



input_file_name <- "tree.treefile"

loci_trees <- read.tree(input_file_name) # newick 
tree/s. If multiple trees, this makes a multiPhylo object
if(class(loci_trees) == "phylo"){
   loci_trees <- as.multiPhylo(loci_trees)  # in 
case there is a single tree in the file

for(cutoff in seq(from=10, to=100, by=10)){
   for(i in 1:length(loci_trees)){
     locus_tree <- loci_trees[[i]]
     collapsed_locus_tree <- 
collapseUnsupportedEdges(locus_tree, "node.label", cutoff)
     output_file_name = 
     if (i==1){
         write.tree(collapsed_locus_tree,file = output_file_name,append=FALSE)
         write.tree(collapsed_locus_tree,file = output_file_name,append=TRUE)

Date: Fri, 22 May 2020 10:42:24 -0300 From: Karla 
Shikev <karlashi...@gmail.com> To: R Sig Phylo 
Listserv <r-sig-phylo@r-project.org> Subject: 
[R-sig-phylo] collapsing sets of nodes based on 
label values 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Dear 
all, I'm surprised I could not find a simple 
function to do this in any of the packages I 
know. I just want to take a tree with node labels 
(e.g. bootstrap values from a RAxML analysis) and 
collapse all nodes with support values below, 
say, 90%. I tried to do this recursively using 
collapse.to.star in phytools, but node numbers 
change after the first collapsed node and my 
indexing gets completely off. with best regards, Karla

Mart�n J. Ram�rez
Curador, Divisi�n Aracnolog�a
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales - CONICET
Av. Angel Gallardo 470
C1405DJR Buenos Aires
tel +54 11 4982-8370 int. 169 
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