Hi all,
We're doing an analysis of horn evolution in female ungulates where some taxa 
(30+ species) lack horns entirely and others have horns of varying lengths, so 
it is a mixture of a discrete and continuous variable.

We want to run a phylogenetic analysis on our dataset, and many have suggested 
run a "two part" model or "hurdle" model since we have a zero inflation within 
our continuous data.

We have attempted the "hurdle" function using the "pscl" package, but 
consistently receive this error message:
Error in hurdle(log10Hornmm ~ LogSHexp..mm., data = HabPrac) :
  invalid dependent variable, non-integer values

Is it possible to run a phylogenetic analysis using a hurdle model or are there 
other recommendations for dedicated phylo models? We have attached a plot of 
our data. We don't want to degrade it into a discrete 0/1 trait, as we already 
tested it this way in a previous paper. We really would like to capture the 
continuous nature of the horn length in those species that have it, while still 
accounting for the many species lacking horns distributed throughout the tree 
(there are several independent evolutionary origins of female horns).

Apologies if we've just missed an obvious phylo model that's commonly used.

Dr. Ted Stankowich
Associate Professor
Associate Chair
Department of Biological Sciences
California State University Long Beach

Ted Stankowich

Attachment: FemaleBovid Plot 1.pdf
Description: FemaleBovid Plot 1.pdf

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