
Co-authors and I want to run PGLS analyses including weights based on the 
number of individuals from which the dependent variable is estimated, as an 
estimate of the confidence of the species mean value. We’ve run models in gls 
with the necessary control for phylogenetic non-independence as well as the 
weights for the different observations. However, using gls we cannot obtain an 
estimate of effect size for the linear model. Is it possible to include said 
weights in phylolm, or another package that allows to estimate an effect size 
for the linear models? 


Dr Alejandro Gonzalez Voyer
Investigador Titular B

Coordinación de Docencia y Formación de Recursos Humanos
Instituto de Ecología

Laboratorio de Conducta Animal
Instituto de Ecología
Circuito Exterior S/N
Ciudad Universitaria
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
México, D.F.

Tel: +52 55 5622 9044
E-mail: alejandro.gonza...@iecologia.unam.mx

Web Site: http://alejandrogonzalezvoyer.com <http://alejandrogonzalezvoyer.com/>

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