Dear all,


I have a question related to the residual structure of PGLS models.  If I 
understand correctly, PGLS models implemented in R assume a Brownian motion (or 
lambda model) of the correlation structure of the residuals when using 
corBrownian or corPagel functions.  However, I am just wondering if anyone has 
any idea if these models  could still be applied for PGLS tests where the 
dependent variable does not follow Brownian motion but instead, for example, 
can only increase instead of decrease through time?  If the residuals of OLS 
exhibit phylogenetic signals, would it be sufficient to justify the use of 
Brownian motion to correct for phylogeny? 


Many thanks!



Yanzhu Ji

Postdoctoral researcher

Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution | Institute of Zoology | 
Chinese Academy of Sciences
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