Dear colleagues.

Anyone updating phytools from GitHub 
( -- for instance, using the 
remotes or devtools packages -- should be aware that this update will 
FAIL unless you first update ape from GitHub.

To update both ape and phytools to their GitHub development versions, 
users should first install the "remotes" CRAN package and then run:


from the command prompt in R.

The CRAN ape & phytools packages also still work correctly together. 
Please let me know if you run into any problems with this while 
Emmanuel, Klaus, & I try to get both ape & phytools updated on CRAN.

That is all. Sincerely, Liam

Liam J. Revell
Professor of Biology, University of Massachusetts Boston
Book: Phylogenetic Comparative Methods in R 
(/Princeton University Press/, 2022)

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