I am trying to run the rateshift function from phytools on a rather large
phylogeny (500 species).
With nrates=1 (null model) everything works fine. Using nrates=2 also
completed successfully, but did not reach convergence:
> bm_multi = rateshift(tree, data, nrates=2)
> bm_multi$convergence

I therefore tried to increase to niter=100, but then I got the following
Optimization progress:
|........Error in solve.default(model2$hessian) :
  Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[3,3] = 0
Calls: rateshift
Execution halted

I also tried changing to method='REML' and got a slightly different error:
Optimization progress:
in optimHess(sig2, lik2, tree = tree, x = x) :
  non-finite finite-difference value [2]
Calls: rateshift
Execution halted

I saw in an old post
a similar issue was fixed in fit.bd. Is there any fix for rateshit?
Alternatively, has anything similar been implemented in another
function/package? Or any other suggestion on how to go around this?


Attachment: rateshift.RData
Description: Binary data

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