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Dear list,

I'm currently thinking about possible ways how to interactively teach R
to psychology students. I'm working with R myself, but am currently
employed as an e-learning specialist at my university

Doing some research I came across DataCamp, which could be a solution,
if it wasn't a commercial vendor. Also using DataCamp Light would not be
possible, because of the strict privacy policy of my institution.

My idea is to create some kind of interactive workshop, a combination of
video lecture, additional text/instructions, and an interactive R
console similar to Swirl. Currently the students can only view a video
as sort of "tutorial", and then have to do some exercises using R or
RStudio. My imagination goes a little further:

   * The students click on the video and start the tutorial. The lecturer
     explains something, and the video stops at the first exercise.
   * That's when the students have to do something using the interactive
     R console. The enter some code and run it. Depending on the type of
     exercise, they get feedback through the system in form of additional
     text etc.
   * All this is combined in one package, which is ideally fully usable
     via Moodle.

Does anyone know if something like this is available as a free solution?
Or how could such a thing be tackled technically?

I'm thankful for any clues.

Kind regards


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