
Yes, this is possible, and there are a few approaches you might use. Note that 
this is not an exhaustive list, there may be other approaches I’m unaware of / 
can’t think of at the moment.

• RStudio:
    • RStudio Cloud: https://rstudio.cloud/. Depending on student numbers / how 
you structure access, could be free or require a premium plan. 
https://rstudio.cloud/learn/guide has information on getting started.
    • RStudio Server Pro: See https://rstudio.com/pricing/academic-pricing/ for 
Academic Pricing, the software is free for teaching purposes, but needs more 
setup than RStudio Cloud. https://docs.rstudio.com/ide/server-pro/ has 
information on getting started.
• Binder:
    • You can use Jupyter+R or RStudio with Binder, 
https://github.com/binder-examples/r has some examples for this.
    • An alternative approach is using the holepunch package: 
• Depending on how simple the script is (e.g. do you need external data?), 
https://rdrr.io/snippets/ might be an option.
• I’ve recently come across COCALC 
(https://cocalc.com/doc/r-statistical-software.html) which seems to have offer 
a Jupyter interface to R. It appears to have a free tier but I’m not 100% sure 
how it works.



Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
🔗 mine-cr.com
✍️ citizen-statistician.org
🐦 @minebocek
🔘 she/her

On 3 Aug 2020, 10:56 +0100, c...@disroot.org, wrote:
> Readers,
> Is it possible to install R on a server and allow school children (e.g. 15 
> years) to be given simple scripts to plot a graph, then save as svg or png 
> format for use in other documents?
> Tried to search RWeb but that long since gone.
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