On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 4:22:19 PM UTC-4, John Carmack wrote:
> How do you include a racket module in an R6RS program?
> I have remote.rkt in the same directory as test.scm.
> With R5RS I could do (#%require "remote.rkt"), but that doesn’t work, and I 
> tried various things in the (import) statement without success.
> Are there any plans for an R7RS lang in Racket?  I am trying to write code 
> that runs in both DrRacket and Chibi scheme.

I managed to get something working:

The Racket r5rs documentation states that the `#%require` form is provided from 
racket/base. Since typing `#%require` raises (as far as I've experienced) an 
"illegal character after '#' input: '%'" error, I had to fall back onto the 
standard `require` form:


#lang racket
(provide foo)

(define (foo x) (add1 x))


(import (rnrs)
        (only (racket base) require))
(require "remote.rkt")
(display (foo 2))

It's not an "r6rs-pure" solution, unfortunately, but, as mflatt said, there's 
no real way do this in pure r6rs. I don't know your use case, but this might 
work for you.

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