Say I have a list ls and I want to produce a list of
lists where the i'th list has the i'th element of ls tripled,
but all other elements are the same.

e.g. '(3 5 7) => '((9 5 7) (3 15 7) (3 5 21))

What is a fast way to do this?

I could do a loop with appending.
(define (map-once f ls)
  (let M ([sooner null] [later ls])
    (if (null? later) null
      (cons (append sooner (list (f (car later))) (cdr later))
            (M (append sooner (list (car later))) (cdr later))))))

-> (map-once sqr '(4 5 6))
'((16 5 6) (4 25 6) (4 5 36))

Unfortunately, this is very slow & messy.
I have to do 2 big appends for every element is the return list.

Here is a cleaner-looking, but still slow way:
(define (list-set ls i new-val)
  (let-values ([(sooner later) (split-at ls i)])
    (append sooner (list new-val) (cdr later))))

(define (map-once f ls)
  (for/list ([i (in-naturals)]
             [elm (in-list ls)])
    (list-set ls i (f elm))))

I'm thinking a good implementation might use continuations somehow?

Maybe of vector-set (without the exclamation point) existed, I could use it?

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