For testing purposes, I changed the permissions to "^.*" ".*" "'*" which
got rid of the error messages. However, there is still no reply eventhough
the message is received by the target computer. Hmmm, in this case both
SUB and PUB are device7 should it matter.

br, jukka

> On 08/07/2015 03:19 PM, Jukka Tuominen wrote:
>> =ERROR REPORT==== 7-Aug-2015::22:00:25 ===
>> Channel error on connection <0.5764.4> ([client-ip]:59326 ->
>> [server-ip]:61613, vhost: '/', user: 'device7'), channel 1:
>> {amqp_error,access_refused,
>>             "access to queue 'amq.gen--sUYfl-1_IbdAXhs8LwoUA' in vhost
>> '/'
>> refused for user 'device7'",
>>             'basic.consume'}
> Based on this, I think a productive line of investigation would be to
> see if using the permissions-configuration stuff from rabbitmqctl might
> help. The server is claiming that user "device7" is not permitted to
> read from queues with server-generated names.
> Since I haven't managed to get even basic STOMP messaging working
> myself, I'm not the best person to ask about exactly how to do this, of
> course :-) but might get
> you started...
> Tony
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