I'm fixing pr 15227 but I would like to do so in a backwards-incompatible way.

Right now an out-of-range index is sometimes allowed as an argument to
in-vector, leading to the bug:

$ racket
Welcome to Racket v6.4.0.4.
-> (for/sum ([x (in-vector (vector 10 20) 2 -1 -1)]) x)
SIGSEGV MAPERR si_code 1 fault on addr 0x180

>From what I can tell, the out-of-range index is allowed to enable this program:

(in-vector (vector) 0 0)

I want to change in-vector so that the starting index is always a
valid vector-ref. The above program would become illegal.

>From what I gather, the above program is allowed so that in-vector
mimics in-range but I don't think this makes sense either if it means
allowing out-of-range indices for the former.

Any objections?

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