Is there a way in TR to ensure that a match is exhaustive at type-checking 
time? It seems to me like the right design would be a special TR form that goes 
in expression positions and always signals a type error. 


Actually, I did a bit of exploring, and it looks like I can almost "roll my 
own", but that the expansion of ‘match’ is stymieing (yikes, sp?) me.

Specifically, with a conditional (as shown below), TR can deduce that the 
‘else’ in the conditional is unreachable, and doesn’t signal a type error in 
the program below. However, if I swap in the definition that uses ‘match,’ then 
I get a type error. (I’m guessing that the expansion of match generates a 
predicate that TR can’t reason about.)

Is there a better way to do this?

Thanks, and apologies if my searching just wasn’t thorough enough to find an 
existing thread on this topic!


#lang typed/racket

(require typed/rackunit)

(struct NumC ([n : Number]) #:transparent)
(struct PlusC ([l : ExprC] [r : ExprC]) #:transparent)

(define-type ExprC (U NumC PlusC))

;; examples

(NumC 3)
(PlusC (NumC 3) (NumC 14))

;; TR can deduce that else is unreachable:
(: num-nums (ExprC -> Number))
(define (num-nums tree)
    [(NumC? tree) 1]
    [(PlusC? tree) (+ (num-nums (PlusC-l tree)) (num-nums (PlusC-r tree)))]
    [else (/ 3 "type error")]))

;; Here, TR *cannot* deduce that else is unreachable
#;(define (num-nums tree)
  (match tree
    [(struct NumC (n)) 1]
    [(struct PlusC (l r)) (+ (num-nums l)
                             (num-nums r))]
    [other 34]
    [other (/ 3 "type error")]))

(check-equal? (num-nums (NumC 3)) 1)
(check-equal? (num-nums (PlusC (NumC 3)
                               (PlusC (NumC 4)
                                      (NumC 5)))) 3)

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