#lang scribble/doc Ha, you can run this email!

In Redex, I have on several occasions found myself trying to use a
pattern to constrain a sequence's member to match that pattern.
i.e., I want to use a pattern bound at depth 0 to constrain a pattern
at depth 1.
Unfortunately, I can't do this, so it seems I must escape into Racket
and enforce this constraint with andmap and equal?.
I'm hoping someone can tell me there is a better way.

For example:


@(define-language testL
   [x ::= variable-not-otherwise-mentioned])

(define-judgment-form testL
  #:mode (complex-match I)
  #:contract (complex-match (x (x ...)))

    (complex-match (x (x ...)))])

Gives this error:
; ....: define-judgment-form: found the same binder, x, at different depths, 0 
and 1
;   at: x
;   in: (x (x ...))

So, I am forced to write this:

@(define-judgment-form testL
  #:mode (complex-match_0 I)
  #:contract (complex-match_0 (x (x ...)))

  [;; NB: Ugh this should be possible with pattern matching alone ....
   (side-condition ,(andmap (curry equal? (term x)) (term (x_0 ...))))
   (complex-match_0 (x (x_0 ...)))])

@(require rackunit)
  (judgment-holds (complex-match_0 (x (x)))))
  (judgment-holds (complex-match_0 (foo (foo foo)))))
  (judgment-holds (complex-match_0 (x (y z))))))

This is particularly annoying, since I can easily do almost the
*opposite*, i.e., use a depth 0 pattern while constraining a sequence's
members to be distinct.

@(define-judgment-form testL
  #:mode (complex-not-match I)
  #:contract (complex-not-match (x (x ...)))

   (complex-not-match (x_!_0 (x_!_0 ...)))])

  (judgment-holds (complex-not-match (x (x)))))
  (judgment-holds (complex-not-match (foo (foo foo)))))
  (judgment-holds (complex-not-match (x (y z))))))

If there is no better way, would it be too much to ask for a new
pattern that does this? E.g., perhaps (x_=_0 (x_=_0 ...))?

William J. Bowman
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science

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