Hi guys, 
I’ve been working with Racket 6.5 refreshing my macro knowledge and ran into a 
situation with format-id that baffles me. There’s an example of format-id on 
the “Fear of Macros” webpage that puzzles me. 

>(require (for-syntax racket/syntax))
>(define-syntax (hyphen-define/ok3 stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      [(_ a b (args ...) body0 body ...)
       (with-syntax ([name (format-id stx "~a-~a" #'a #'b)])
         #'(define (name args ...)
             body0 body ...))]))
>(hyphen-define/ok3 bar baz () #t)

So far so good… so I tried a few other arguments:

>(hyphen-define/ok3 bar ? () #t)

>(hyphen-define/ok3 bar 7 () #t)
 ../../Applications/Racket v6.5/collects/racket/private/map.rkt:26:19: 
format-id: contract violation
  expected: (or/c string? symbol? identifier? keyword? char? number?)
  given: #<syntax:16:23 7>

That was a surprise. So ids can’t have numerics as part of their arguments in 
format-id? Is that correct? How would I make this work if I wanted to pass 
numbers into the format-id to generate ids like foo7, bar3, etc?

Thanks so much for any insight into this!


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