When using a macro, always think: "can I do the same without a macro?"
You use the simple auto-applicator (lambda (x) (x x)).
I suggest to use an applicative-order Y-combinator, such as:
(define Y (λ (m) ((λ (f) (f f)) (λ (g) (m (λ (n) ((g g) n)))))))
Now: ((Y (lambda (!) (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (! (sub1 n))))))) 4) -> 24
There are many more ways to write an applicative-order Y-combinator.
Now is the moment to think about a sugaring macro:

#lang racket
; Let Y work for functions of more than one argument:
(define Y (λ (m) ((λ (f) (f f)) (λ (g) (m (λ args (apply (g g) args)))))))
((Y (lambda (!) (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (! (sub1 n))))))) 4)
; The sugar:
 (recursive-lambda (name arg ...) body ...)
 (Y (lambda (name) (lambda (arg ...) body ...))))
((recursive-lambda (! n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (! (sub1 n))))) 4)
; Or in tail recursive style
; (I am not sure it is realy tail recursive under Y,
;  but using debug I don't see a growing stack)
((recursive-lambda (! n m) (if (zero? n) m (! (sub1 n) (* n m)))) 4 1)


-----Original Message-----
From: racket-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:racket-users@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Vasily Rybakov
Sent: domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2016 5:54
To: Racket Users
Subject: [racket-users] Trouble with recursive lambda macros, using Y combinator


I'm learning Racket and I stumpbled into a couple of problems with macros.

I tried to make macros that implements recursive lambda, but not the classic 
one (that uses letre), but the one that uses Y

So it should work like this:

(recursion fact (n)
            (if (zero? n)
                (* n (fact (sub1 n)))))

transforms into

((lambda (x) (x x))
    (lambda (fact)
      (lambda (n)
         (if (zero? n) 1 (* n ((fact fact) (sub1 n)))))))

which produces recursive anonymous function to compute factorial.

So I wrote this macros:

(define-syntax recursion
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ label (args ...) body ...)
     ((lambda (x) (x x))
      (lambda (label)
        (lambda (args ...)
          (substitute-term label (label label) body) ...)))]))

(substitute-term) macros is helper macros to substitute one piece of code with 
another, here its fist version:

(define-syntax (substitute-term stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ term-from term-to body)
         [(null? (syntax-e #'body)) #'(void)]
         [(list? (syntax-e #'body)) #`#,(map (lambda (x) (append (syntax-e 
#'(substitute-term term-from term-to)) (if (list? x) x
(list x)))) (syntax-e #'body))]
         [else (if (equal? (syntax-e #'body) (syntax-e #'term-from)) #'term-to 

>(substitute-term - + (- 1 2))

This works. But

>(substitute-term and or (and #t #f))
or: bad syntax in: or

Macro stepper shows that it expands into

(or (substitute-term and or #t) (substitute-term and or #f))

And after this step is "bad syntax" error. I couldn't figure why is this and 
how to fix it. It raises "bad syntax" errors with all
special forms for some reason. Can somebody explain to me -- why? And how to 
fix it?

Then I tried rewrite (substitute-term) macro:

(define-syntax (substitute-term-2 stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(substitute-term term-from term-to body)
     (datum->syntax stx (for-substitute-term (syntax->datum #'term-from) 
(syntax->datum #'term-to) (syntax->datum #'body)))]))

It uses helper function (define-for-syntax) which do all the work:

(define-for-syntax (for-substitute-term term-from term-to expr)
    [(null? expr) (void)]
    [(list? expr) (map (lambda (x) (apply for-substitute-term (list term-from 
term-to x))) expr)]
    [else (if (equal? expr term-from) term-to expr)]))

>(substitute-term-2 and or (and #t #f))

Hurray! But if I use it in my (recursion) macro:

(define-syntax recursion-2
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ label (args ...) body ...)
     ((lambda (x) (x x))
      (lambda (label)
        (lambda (args ...)
          (substitute-term-2 label (label label) body) ...)))]))

>((recursion-2 fact (n)
            (if (zero? n)
                (* n (fact (sub1 n))))) 5)
n: unbound identifier in module
  other binding...: in: n

Although macro stepper shows that it expands into

((lambda (x) (x x))
     (lambda (fact)
       (lambda (n)
          (fact fact)
          (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (sub1 n))))))))

Which if entered in interaction area works as intended. I understand that 
binding for n is lost when I invoke (substitute-term-2)
macro on body. But I couldn't find in documentation -- why? And how to fix it?

I would be grateful, if somebody explained to me what's wrong with my first and 
my second attempts and how to fix them. Thanks!

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