In #lang web-server, set! seems to behave differently with local vs.
top-level variables. For example:

> #lang web-server/base

(define x 0)
> (displayln x) ;; displays 0
> (set! x (add1 x))
> (displayln x) ;; displays 1
> (let ()
>   (define y 0)
>   (displayln y) ;; displays 0
>   (set! y (add1 y))
>   (displayln y)) ;; still displays 0

There is an obvious solution — don't use set! — but it was still not what I
was expecting.

The documentation does say that "… the store is *not* serialized. If you
rely on the store you will be taking huge risks. You will be assuming that
the serialized continuation is invoked on the same server before the server
is restarted or the memory is garbage collected." But this doesn't seem to
have to do with serialization per se. The line "(set! y (add1 y))" expands
to this (thanks to the macro stepper):

> (let-values:130 ([(y) (#%app:178 (#%app:179 CLOSURE-ref:130 clsr:130 '0))])
>                                   (let-values:180 (((l111640:181)
>                                                     (lambda:182 (x111632)
> (with-continuation-mark lifted.0:31 '(#t (lambda (x111632))) (set! y
> x111632)))))
>                                     (#%app:183 keyword-apply:130
> l111640:181 kws:130 kw-vals:130 rst:130)))

which as best as I can tell will have no effect, because it's "y" is local.

Does anyone have a deeper standing of what's going on?

If set! is supposed to work this way, I would propose at least adding a
note to the "usage considerations" for #lang web-server, and I might
consider more drastic action (e.g. having set! raise an syntax error if
it's used in a local context.

Doing without set! is not a problem, but the fact that it *does* work as
usual at the top level (and REPL) makes it difficult to realize you have a
bug, e.g. when porting existing code.


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