I'm trying to build a macro that will generate routing rules for

(dispatch-rules) from web-server/dispatch has this form:

   (("announce-user") #:method post process-announce-user))
   ...more routes here...

This seems like it should be automatable, so I tried to write a macro
to generate these rules.  I'd like
    (routing announce-user)
to expand to the line above:    (("announce-user") #:method post

Here's my stab at it, which is currently failing:

;;    This part works if I use it directly, ie:
;;  [("announce-file") #:method post (make-route msg-announce-file
(define (make-route msg-handler pbuf-type)
  (lambda (req)
    (msg-handler (req->protobuf req pbuf-type))))

;;    Let's try to generate the entire rule using the above
(define-syntax (routing stx)
      stx ()
    ([_ pbuf-type]
     (with-syntax* ([type-name    (format-id stx "~a*" #'pbuf-type)]
                    [handler-name (format-id stx "msg-~a" #'type-name)]
                    [route-name   (symbol->string (syntax->datum
(format-id stx "~a" (syntax->datum #'pbuf-type))))]
                   #'[(route-name) #:method "post" (make-route
handler-name type-name)]
;;                   #'(quote [(route-name) #:method "post"
(make-route handler-name type-name)])

;;(routing announce-file)  ; If I use this (i.e. outside the
dispatch-rules) in combination with the 'quote' version above, I see
the correct thing

(define-values (dispatch-request url-for)
   (routing announce-file)
   [("create-user") #:method post process-create-user]
   ...more routes here...

Error is:

racket network/routing.rkt
~/app/network/routing.rkt:194.2: dispatch-rules: bad syntax
  in: (dispatch-rules (routing announce-file) (("create-user")
#:method post process-create-user) ...

As mentioned in the comments, it does generate (the quoted form of)
the correct thing if I:

1) inside the macro, comment in the 'quote' line and comment out the
line above it
2) comment OUT the '(routing announce-file) that is inside dispatch-rules
3) comment IN the (routing announce-user) line that is just above dispatch-rules

My suspicion is that dispatch-rules is a macro and so my macro is not
being expanded inside another macro.  That's not how I thought macros
worked, though, so now I'm really puzzled.

Can anyone clarify this for me?

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