I am trying to use Scribble to produce nicely-formatted tables of data.
Some of these tables are both longer and wider than one printed page.

I would like to handle this similarly to typical spreadsheet programs,
which automatically create page breaks. Ideally, I'd also like to repeat
"header" rows and columns on each page. However, I'm not sure how to do
this in Scribble, or even if it can be done. (I don't know how to do this
in LaTeX, either.)

This little program demonstrates default Scribble behavior with massive

> #lang scribble/base
> @(require racket/list)
> @(define X 100)
> @(tabular #:sep " "
>                 (make-list X (map number->string (range X))))

The table is paginated vertically, but the excess width is simply truncated.

Is there a good way to get closer to what I'm looking for?

If not, it seems like the best thing for me to do would be to decide on a
maximum number of rows and columns per page and write code to produce
multiple tables, but this is far from ideal, especially as the results
would make little sense in HTML output. Better work-arounds would also be

Philip McGrath

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