Hi Matthias and Vincent,

First, thank you for your time reading the article and writing your

> Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> Leandro,
> Before I say anything else, I really enjoyed your "playing the game
> with plt redex”...

Thank you for the kind words :)

> Your new essay [...] show[s] how to take a program in Racket down to
> one in a by-value version of Lambda Calculus. Why stop there?

I didn’t:

> Do we really need to go through all of this to explain that “creating
> programs so that our successors can read them” is the purpose of a
> language?

“Creating programs so that our successors can read them” is an important
takeaway from the article, but it isn’t the major one. The main point is
that data communication is the essence of computation, and, thus, of
programming languages (see the section I linked above). Arbitrary data
communication is the common factor between the Lambda Calculus, SKI
calculus, tag systems, and any other Turing complete system. Maybe this
argument didn’t get across as clearly as I intended, and I’d welcome
suggestions on how to improve this.

But there’s a hidden agenda to this article. Before I got into my
Ph.D. program, I was a working programmer interested in
programming-language theory. I found topics such as Church encoding,
Lambda Calculus and the Halting Problem fascinating. But I couldn’t read
most of the texts on these topics because they used notation and jargon
beyond my understanding.

I got into a Ph.D. program and invested the last three years in learning
how to read through the funny symbols. And I what found were some of the
most interesting ideas in human knowledge. Now I’m writing to myself in
2013, unpacking these ideas in a way that working programmers can

The article you read is the first in a series, that I’m calling
“Programming-Language Theory Explained for the Working Programmer.” To
this point, this is the only published article in the series, but I’m
already working on the second, which will be about interpretation. Then
the next articles will be about intermediary representations (CPS and
ANF), and program analysis (k-CFA).

Where am I heading with this series? I want to explain my research
(https://pl.cs.jhu.edu/projects/demand-driven-program-analysis/) in
terms that working programmers can understand, bridging the gap between
industry and academia. To explain my research from scratch, I first have
to invent the universe. “Programming-Language Theory Explained for the
Working Programmer” is me inventing the universe.

(Also, it’s an opportunity for me to practice technical writing. English
isn’t my first language and I received consistent feedback that I need
to improve this skill.)

So, language design and the expressive power of programming languages
are interesting topics. But my article isn’t dedicated to exploring
them. The secret is that it was just an excuse to introduce the Lambda
Calculus, which I need to explain program analysis later. Along the way,
there are many interesting ideas, like language design and the
expressive power of programming languages, and that’s why I hint at
those as well.

In any case, your insights about language design and DSLs are much
appreciated. I’m definitely reading the citations you
mentioned. Specially because, when I put by software engineer hat, I’m
entirely in agreement with the Manifesto. I’m an advocate of DSLs myself

I’d love to continue having your feedback on this series. When I have
the next articles ready, can I keep sending them your way? I expect I’ll
have one per month.

Leandro Facchinetti <lfacc...@jhu.edu>
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