I'm finding parameters confusing and was hoping someone could explain them
for me.  The following is a simplified version of our production code; I'm
expecting it to fail but it does not.  What am I not understanding?

The sequence goes:

*) db.conf creates and provides some parameters (db username, db password,
db name, db port) and a function for creating database connections using
those parameters

*) dbstuff.rkt requires db.conf, re-provides the parameters from db.conf,
and also provides a wrapper around the db connector from db.conf

*) bar.rkt parses the command line, uses that command line data to set the
parameters that were imported from db.conf by way of dbstuff.rkt and makes
a DB call

*) I run bar.rkt from the command line with an invalid username for the
database, expecting it to fail to connect, but it works fine???

My first guess was that since I was using the parameters as default values
perhaps they were being evaluated at compile time instead of runtime.  I
tried changing the default value to #f and then doing (or u (db-user)) in
the body of the function, but that had no effect.

I am utterly baffled at this point.  Any help would be much appreciated.

################################# file: "db.conf"
#lang racket

(require db)

(define db-user     (make-parameter "postgres"))
(define db-name     (make-parameter "test-db"))
(define db-password (make-parameter "mellon"))
(define db-port-num (make-parameter 5433))

(define (do-connect #:u [u (db-user)]
                    #:d [d (db-name)]
                    #:p [p (db-password)]
                    #:prt [prt (db-port-num)])
  (println (~a "In db.conf db-user: " (db-user)))
  (println (~a "db-name: " (db-name)))
  (println (~a "db-password: " (db-password)))
  (println (~a "db-port: " (db-port-num)))

  (postgresql-connect #:user     u
                      #:database d
                      #:password p
                      #:port     prt

(define dbh (virtual-connection

(define (make-connect)

(provide (all-defined-out))

################################# file: "dbstuff.rkt"
#lang racket

(require db)
(require "db.conf")

(define/contract (dbh)
  (-> connection?)

(provide (all-defined-out)
         (all-from-out db)
         (all-from-out "db.conf"))

################################# file: "bar.rkt"
#lang racket

(require "dbstuff.rkt")

 #:program "db demo"
 [("--db-user") dbu "Username for database handles"
  (db-user dbu)]

(println (~a "In bar: db user: " (db-user)))
(query-value (dbh) "select 'this should not have worked'")

################################# command line:

$ racket bar.rkt --db-user invalid_user
"In bar: db user: invalid_user"
"In db.conf db-user: postgres"
"db-name: test-db"
"db-password: mellon"
"db-port: 5433"
"this should not have worked"

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