
(seventh RacketCon) will be held on October 7th, followed by Racketeer
Office Hours on October 8th. This year, RacketCon will be in Seattle, WA,
with support from the Racket group at the University of Washington.

We are pleased to announce that Dan Friedman and Will Byrd will be
giving this year's keynote!

RacketCon[1] is a yearly event where members of the Racket community get
together, featuring talks and demos about the things you do with Racket.
Racketeer Office Hours is a free-form day for Racketeers to get together
and collaborate on ongoing projects, start new ones, and get help and
advice from other members of the community.

If you've built something cool with Racket, we want to hear about it!
We're looking for speakers to give 15 minute talks about their Racket-
based applications, libraries, activities, etc. If that sounds like fun,
please send me a talk proposal! Please note, though, that because of
time constraints, we may not be able to accept all proposals.

RacketCon attendees benefit from a group rate[2] a the Hotel Deca[3],
near the venue. Registration is not open yet, but we'll let you know
when it is.

Hope to see you in Seattle!

Vincent, for the RacketCon team

[1] http://con.racket-lang.org/
[3] http://www.hoteldeca.com/

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