On Tue, 30 May 2017 11:30:00 -0400
Neil Van Dyke <n...@neilvandyke.org> wrote:

> Writing a procedure that does what you want should be pretty easy,
> and then you can fine-tune it to your particular application. Recall
> that SXML is mostly old-school Lisp lists.  The procedure is mostly
> just a straightforward recursive traversal of lists.

I've found out that it's far less trivial than expected, but not
because of sxml or the tree walking itself. Often call/input-url
just returns '() or '(*TOP*), and sometimes it also fails with an
exception on https addresses. Then some websites also seem to be fully
dynamic with javascript and just return a lot of gobbledygook. 

Here's what I've come up with:


#lang racket

(require net/url

(provide fetch fetch-string-content)

(define (fetch url)
  (call/input-url url

(define (fetch-string-content url [limit 1200] [cutoff 40])
  (extract-text ((sxpath '(html body))(html->xexp (fetch url)))
                limit cutoff))

(define (walk-list li limit cutoff)
  (filter (lambda (x)
            (and (string? x)
                 (> (string-length x) cutoff)))
          (for/fold ([result '()])
                    ([elem (in-list li)])
              ((list? elem)
               (if (member (car elem) '(@ *COMMENT* class src script))
                   (append result (walk-list elem limit cutoff))))
              (else (append result (list elem)))))))

(define (extract-text li limit cutoff)
  (define (combine s1 s2)
    (string-append s1 "\n" (string-normalize-spaces s2)))
  (let loop ((l (walk-list li limit cutoff))
             (result ""))
      ((null? l) (string-trim result))
      ((> (string-length (combine result (car l))) limit)
       (string-trim result))
      (else (loop (cdr l) (combine result (car l)))))))

(displayln (fetch-string-content (string->url


The racket site works fine. However, try https://www.nytimes.com and you
only get javascript code, and e.g. http:www.cnn.com returns nothing. :/

I suppose I'd need way more precise parsing and some real text
summarization algorithm to get better results.

Anyway, does anybody have ideas for improvements?



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