I've written a command-line tool in Racket to analyze the files produced by a 
tool that traces accesses to persistent memory by an application. The traces 
are large: about 5 million records per second of application run time. While 
developing the tool in Racket was a pleasant, productive, and educational 
experience, the execution time of the tool has become an issue. I have some 
ideas of ways to improve the analysis logic, but I think the trace reader may 
perform so slowly that the result would still be unusable.

The trace records are in a binary format. I have a C++ tool that reads the 
binary trace file and outputs them in a simple sxml-ish textual form to stdout. 
I pipe this into my Racket tool, that then uses the standard Racket reader to 
parse the s-expressions arriving on its stdin. I excised all the analysis code 
from from my tool and just benchmarked the performance of the trace reader. It 
can only read about 62,000 s-expressions per second on a 2.4 GHz Xeon E5-2630 
v3 (Haswell) system. I'm using Racket v6.7.

I've provided the trace reader code below. Have I botched something that would 
make it perform so slowly? I'd rather not  have to recode it in C++.

The input to the tool looks like this:

        (threadId 140339047277632)
        (startTime 923983542377819)
        (elapsedTime 160)
        (result 0)
        (addr 0x7fa239055954)
        (length 1))
        (threadId 140339047277632)
        (startTime 923983542378153)
        (elapsedTime 83)
        (result 0))

The trace record reader code:

#! /usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket

(require racket/cmdline)
(require racket/runtime-path)

; apply trace parser to a stream of trace records

; lazy stream of all datums from the input port
(define (make-trace-stream in)
  (let ([datum (read in)])
    (if (not (eof-object? datum))
        (stream-cons datum (make-trace-stream in))

; apply a set of trace-stat% classes to the stream of trace s-expressions
; return a trace-state struct containing the statistics of the trace 
(define (map-trace stat%-set in-port)
           ([sexp-count 0])
           ([trace-record (in-stream (make-trace-stream in-port))])
            (+ sexp-count 1)))

; apply a null set of trace-stat% classes
(define (accumulate-default-trace-stats in-port)
  (map-trace null in-port))

(define (print-accumulated-default-trace-stats in-port)
  (printf "s-expression count: ~a\n" (accumulate-default-trace-stats in-port)))

;; command-line parsing

(module+ main
    #:args args
    (if (null? args)
        (open-input-file (first args))))))

Best regards,

Steve Byan
Littleton, MA

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