I noticed that there is not TOS or EULA when you sign up for the
package catalog. Is there actually some licensing agreement we have
between the maintainers of the package server and the community
members that put packages there?

If not, we really should have one. Otherwise we are opening ourselves
up to a large amount of legal trouble. Like what do _we_ have the
right to do with packages posted there. (For example, can we make
backup copies, can we make test builds, etc.) What do people
downloading them have the right to do? If the author doesn't put a
license on their package what rights are implicitly granted? What is
our policy in case a user posts copyrighted material. etc. [1]

If we _do_ have a license or TOS users agree to, we should have a link
to it on the front page, or on the sign up page (or both).

~Leif Andersen

[1]: I know the answers to most of these questions are obvious to us.
i.e. Users have the right to look at the packages, and download them
via the `raco` tool. They can also distribute therm under whatever
license the package is released under (if any). If someone posts
material they don't have the right to post we reserve the right to
remove it, etc. etc.

However, it is (sadly) important to have this in writing to protect
ourselves legally.

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