On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 7:30 PM, Zelphir Kaltstahl
<zelphirkaltst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Racket Users,
> The last few days I've been working on implementing decision trees in Racket 
> and I've been following the following guide: 
> http://machinelearningmastery.com/implement-decision-tree-algorithm-scratch-python/
> Now I have the following code: https://github.com/ZelphirKaltstahl/racket-ml
> I also wrote some tests, I think for every procedure so far.
> However, my implementation seems very very slow. It seems each iteration of 
> `iter-features` takes way too much time.
> I've tried to stick to the guide and sometimes "outsourced" some procedure.
> I started out with using vectors, as I thought I might gain better 
> performance than from lists. In the code I introduced an abstraction layer, 
> which provides things like `data-length`, so that I could in theory change 
> the representation of data and only change those accessors/getters. In the 
> test cases I sometimes did not use the abstraction though.
> So far I am not having much side effects in the code and I'd like to avoid 
> them and unsafe operations.
> A small `TEST-DATA` set is in the code and another data set I downloaded from 
> the data set repositories. When running with `TEST-DATA` to calculate the 
> best split, it only takes a few milliseconds, while it takes minutes with the 
> other `data-set`.
> How can I make my code more efficient, without changing the basic logic of it?
> Should I not use vectors (what else?)?
> Would I gain anything from using typed Racket or flonums?

I haven't taken a close enough look to evaluate the algorithm itself,
but on a micro-scale:

- Using `vector-take-right` to get the tail of a vector in a loop is
expensive. From what I can see, you'll be better off representing your
data as a list of vectors. (I see you have a `data-get-row` function,
suggesting a need for random access, but you don't appear to be using
- Use a struct instead of a hash to represent a split.
- `split-data` could partition the data list in a single pass, instead
of making two passes. (You can use the `partition` function from
- If I'm reading this right, for a given data set, you should be able
to memoize calls to `data-get-col`.
- From a quick glance, it looks like you're already using floats,
rather than exact rationals.
- Are you running this code inside DrRacket? If so, have you timed the
difference between running it with debugging enabled and with no
debugging or profiling? (Language -> Choose Language... -> Details)

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